William Reiley Butler’s “Navigate the Medical Maze” – a #1 Amazon Bestseller starts as he gets back on his feet only to contract deadly bacterial infections from the operating rooms. The book articulates the critical Importance of Second Opinions from Hospitals, Surgeons, Rehabilitation Facilities and Caregivers: Real Stories from Doctors, Nurses, Patients, and Caregivers.”
Readers will realize the seriousness of the second opinions of medical professionals, advocacy, the importance of patient cooperation, understanding the levels in pain and incapability charts, and where to research surgeons, hospitals, and rehabilitation facilities for decision-making.
The stories, testimonials, and insights come from patients, surgeons, nurses, certified nursing assistants, occupational and physical therapists, and advocates. These contributors have related their real-life experiences and offered opinions for the common goal of improving chances for a full recovery and longer life span. Doctors and medical staff will see a different perspective of their peers, potentially changing and improving behavior with a patient.
William is currently working on the third book of the series, “The beauty of Second Chances”.