You will enjoy the book, the discussion, and you can ask question of me.
I would like to invite you to the October 14th, at 4 pm Est, book announcement of, “Highway to Homelessness – Road to Recovery” – How to Rise from Addiction, Depression, and Life on the Street with Action Plans and Tools for Recovery. Please have others at Spectrum view the Facebook and YouTube live announcement who may benefit at corporate or at the recovery centers.
We will discuss the 11-Point Action Plan and the Recovery Capital Scale measurement tool for you, your friends, and your family. The benefit of the 11-Point Action Plan (William Reiley Butler) and Recovery Capital Scale and Category Assessment (William White, Dr. David Best, and modifications by William Reiley Butler) is that they are proven methods for an individual to progress toward a new quality of life. IF, the individual wants a better life to happen. I will be interviewed and then the viewers can ask questions.
The first 15 spectators who purchase the eBook, positively review the book on Amazon, and send a screenshot of the review to me will receive a $15 Amazon gift card, an autographed paperback, and an 8GB memory stick. Before and during the video announcement, those who share the links with others will receive highlights from my 2nd book, “Navigate the Medical Maze”, a #1 Amazon Bestseller.
My publisher, Jackie Morey, and I have arranged that you will be able to purchase the eBook version on Amazon for $0.99 until October 21st.
Here are the links to access the announcement and discussion on October 14th, 4 pm eastern time, through Facebook and YouTube.
The content has turned lives around, for the better; sample cases will be included in the announcement.
Thank you,